Wednesday 29 September 2010

Settlers of Catan for two of us

Monday evening, and nothing planned... so out came the Catan box for another two-player game. Orange pieces for me, red for Richard, as usual. It would be very confusing if we ever decided to change colours!

Richard rolled the higher number, so - according to our two-player Settlers house rules - he would place his first settlement, then I would place two (taking resources cards for one of them) then he would place two more (taking resource cards for both) and I would then place my final one, taking resource cards for that too. We allow nine in a hand before the robber can attack, and two or three robber-free rounds at the beginning anyway.

Richard said that he was going to use 'my' strategy of starting on the best hex for whichever resource was likely to be scarcest. As it happened, there weren't any obviously lacking resources on this board, but I thought clay and wood would be the most problematical. So I expected Richard to start on either the 4-clay or the 9-wood; most likely, I thought, the useful 5-9-10 combination with sheep, wood and clay respectively.

However, to my surprise, he didn't take either of my chosen spots - instead he opted for the 3-4-8 with wood (on three only) and two ore. That meant that I could place my first two settlements on the two spots I had marked out as the best ones, which gave me five good numbers and access to all five resources.

Richard then took the 5-9-10 with two wheat and wood, and - after some consideration - the 3-4-8 with two clay and a sheep. He liked that spot, which was undoubtedly the best remaining one for clay, but didn't like the fact that it had exactly the same number combination as his first settlement.

As I looked for a spot to place my final settlement, my main aim was access to an 8, since I already had 4, 5, 6, 9 and 10. Since I like having good ore access, I opted for the 8-10-desert hex with ore on 8 and wood on 10. The wood harbour looked rather attractive and convenient too.

Clay and wood were not lacking in the early stages of the game, so we placed streets, and Richard bought a few development cards too. 9s were not rolled, which was a bit annoying since it meant that I could not build a settlement, having no wheat - and nor could I buy any cards. I had to trade four ore, at one point, for one wheat in order to take the sheep harbour, and then trade heavily again for my second settlement.

Then suddenly we rolled three nines in a row, and, with plentiful ore, I was able to build my first city.

However, I had made a strategic error in not securing a spot on the wood harbour; I placed my first two streets next to the other two I had started with, leaving the way open for Richard, who was collecting a lot of wood and clay, to race past me for the wood harbour:

I was ahead at this point in the game (six points, while Richard had four) but he had already played a knight, and had two or three other hidden development cards. As with the last game we played, we decided that the robber would be controlled by whoever rolled a seven (rather than whoever was behind in points) and also that the robber would always steal from the bank - rather than the other player - a resource matching whatever hex he was placed on.

I really wanted a spot on that 5-wheat hex, since wheat was my weak point in this game. Richard had in fact placed his initial settlements as if he were using the 'ore-wheat' strategy, and was beginning, as a result, to get ahead. So I played him at his game, storing up clay and wood until I could push past him to the 2-5 wheat spot on the coast. In doing so, I took the longest street card... for about twenty seconds. Richard then built more streets and took it from me, for the rest of the game.

So I still had six points, while he now had nine. He had also played two knights, so was likely to achieve the 'largest army' too.

And, indeed, that's what happened. We both continued building on just about every turn - in fact Richard reached 16 points before either of us had realised it, and so won the game with 17 points, including both the largest army and the longest street:

I did have one victory point, so I lost with 11 rather than just the ten points I had on the board.

Thursday 23 September 2010

Settlers of Catan for six

It was Marie's birthday; she requested a game of Settlers after dinner. Richard was away, but Annika was visiting, and knows the game. Jacob stayed up too, so there were six of us. Annika took the red pieces; the rest of us had our usual ones (blue for Jörn, brown for Sheila, white for Marie, green for Jacob, and orange for me).

Jörn rolled to go first, and took the obvious spot from the clay-wood perspective. Good numbers for both (8 on clay), and a useful ten on sheep. Jacob was second; remembering that ore is important, he took another nice triple with ore, sheep and clay including a six.

At that point, the two remaining spots with particularly good number selections did not have three resources on them. There was either clay with two wheat, or wood with two ore. I was pretty sure that Sheila would take one of them - which she did - so I took the other. On balance I'd prefer ore to wheat, and could see that the ore harbour was not too far away, so I slightly preferred that place anyway even though Sheila's numbers were significantly better.

Annika was next, and Marie was last; two enviable positions, usually, but by this stage there really were not many useful spots next. Annika opted for ore and two clay, and her other settlement on wheat and two sheep. This gave her a 6 and an 8, but no access to wood - and it looked as if wood was going to be a fairly scarce resource anyway. She pointed her first streets inland, however, which seemed as if it might limit her potential building spots.

Marie managed two settlements that gave her - in theory - access to all five resources, but her numbers were not very good for either wood or clay. I'm not sure what else she could have done, though.

My turn again, and there was no way I could get everything I needed - clay, wheat and sheep - with one settlement. So, as usual, I decided to miss out on sheep. Not too big a deal since the spot I chose, with good access to clay and wheat, lead directly to an 8-sheep hex which I planned to occupy as soon as possible.

Sheila decided she'd take the hex that gave her access to all the three resources she needed, even though it only included a 2 on wood. Then Jacob opted for a coastal intersection that gave him wheat and wood, exactly what he needed. Unfortunately it meant that he and Marie were both heading directly for the same spot, on the wheat harbour. Jörn placed his last settlement on a spot that gave him good wheat, more sheep, and a 12 on ore.

It all seemed fairly even at this stage; nobody had overwhelmingly better spots than anyone else, although the least useful were probably Marie's and Annika's - not through bad strategy, but lack of available spaces.

So we got going, reasonably slowly at first. I was able to get the spot on the 8-sheep without any problem, and then built out to a spot that gave me an 11 on wood - not particularly useful, but I thought I might also go for the ore harbour nearby.

At the same time, Jörn built a couple of settlements too, and Sheila managed three. Jacob managed to get the wheat harbour spot before Marie reached it, which was a pity since Marie had very few possible building spots remaining. Then Jacob was first to build a city. Marie played a monopoly on wheat which gave her quite a few cards, enabling her to build a city too, although we had recommended that she grab her last easy building spot first...

So Sheila had five points at this stage in the game; Jacob, Jörn and I each had four; Marie had three, and Annika had two.

I managed another settlement, taking another spot on the 5-ore. It probably wasn't the best strategy; I was collecting quite a bit of clay, since 9s were rolled regularly, and I could have gone for the clay harbour which would have been rather useful. Sheila built a city and another street.. then Jacob had a street-building frenzy, and took the longest street card:

So now Sheila and Jacob were jointly in the lead with six points each, and I was just behind with five.

I now had to build a city before I could expand any further, and it was surprisingly difficult. 4s and 5s were not rolled very often, and since I kept picking up other cards, I had to buy development cards so as not to exceed the limit of seven in my hand, not wishing to be vulnerable to the robber. The first one was a victory point; the others were knights. Unfortunately, of course, buying them used up some of my available ore. But eventually I managed a city.

Sheila could easily have taken Marie's last building spot, but had plenty of other places along the coast. So she expanded around there, taking the longest street card, and also taking a spot Jörn had hoped for. He - like most of us - lacked wood for much of the game, which seriously limited his expansion potential.

At last Marie managed to build in the centre of the three wood hexes. She did, in theory, have one more building spot but it was likely that Annika would get there first.

So now Sheila was decidedly in the lead, with nine points, including the longest street. I had six (well, seven including my victory point, but that was hidden); Jörn and Jacob each had five; Marie had four, and Annika still had only two. She was not being at all lucky with the rolls of the dice.

However, Annika had bought a few development cards, and had played a couple of knights. She played her third, and thus received the largest army card (and two extra points). She also, at last, managed another settlement, and then fairly quickly upgraded it to a city. I took the clay harbour, although it was too late in the game to be much use. Jörn built some cities...

But it was Sheila who raced ahead of us all. She actually reached 12 points on the board on the 'building phase' of Jacob's turn, including having the longest street card. But the rules state that one can only win on one's own turn. Jacob could, temporarily, have taken the longest street card back since he had a street in his hand, and a street-building card. But he decided not to, realising he couldn't keep the longest street, and hoping for other opportunities to expand elsewhere.

As it happened, it wouldn't have made any difference. Sheila took her turn, and during it managed another settlement, and also picked up a victory point development card. So she creamed us all, with 14 points. Jörn and I were in joint second place, with eight points each...

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Settlers of Catan, basic game for two players

We devised our two-player house rules for Settlers of Catan at the end of last year, and have enjoyed several two-player games over the months. We're more evenly matched than we used to be, so last night we decided to ignore the 'robber' rule which we adopted at first. In other words, the robber is controlled by whoever throws a seven or plays a knight (as in the regular Settlers game; originally when a seven was rolled, it was controlled by whoever was behind). However, rather than stealing a card from the other player, since there are just two of us, we take a resource matching whatever hex we put the robber on.

We started by placing three settlements each, as usual for a two-player game. I rolled to go first, so I started by placing one. The board looked like quite a nice layout, with several good combinations of numbers. I could see that ore was likely to be the scarcest resource, so I knew I wanted my first placement on the 10-ore hex, which was the best option for it. It was a fairly easy decision to place it where I would also have access to the 5-wood and 9-sheep.

Then it was Richard's turn to place two settlements. He acknowledged later that he made a strategic error in not also taking the 10-ore hex - there was a good spot with an 8-clay and 3-wood which I would certainly have taken if he had played first, and taken the spot I did.

Instead he looked at the intersections with the best numbers. He likes to start with a 6 and an 8, as the most likely numbers to be rolled. So he opted for the other 8-clay, a 6-sheep, with 3, 4, 5 and 11 as his other numbers. He had theoretical access to all five resources, but his only ore hex was the 11. He took cards for his second placement, the one that included both wood and clay.

I then placed my other two starting settlements, and took cards for both. I also like to have a 6 and an 8 if I can, and a variety of numbers, so I took the other 8-clay hex with a 3-wood and 4-wheat, and alsothe 4-6 woods with a 3-ore. I could see that my first settlement wasn't far from the wood harbour, so hoped to be able to make use of that. And whereas my numbers could have been better - I could, for instance, have taken the 4-6-9 with the same two wood and a sheep, I thought it would be a good idea to have another number that might give me some ore.

For Richard's last settlement, I thought he would take the 5-9-10 with two wheat and clay. He would then have an excellent range of numbers - everything from 3 to 11 - and great access to wheat. However, he was already heading for that spot with one of his other settlements, so he went instead for the 9-6-12 with wheat and two sheep, heading towards the sheep harbour.

We allow up to 9 cards in a hand before the robber can steal any in the two-person Catan game, since we don't have any player-to-player trading, meaning that there are often more cards that can't be used. And we don't acknowledge any sevens in the first three or four rounds. As it happened only two sevens were rolled in the entire game!

Despite two 8-clay hexes, wood was a much more plentiful resources in this game, with very few 8s being rolled. We both had the resources needed for streets in our opening hands, but the had to trade heavily with the bank to continue. It wasn't long before Richard took that nice spot with the 9 and 10, meaning that he now had access to every number other than 2. I took my nearest 3:1 harbour as soon as I could, so that I didn't have to trade four cards each time!

Oddly enough, 3s were being rolled more often than one would expect, so I had more ore from that than I did from the 10 - and was soon able to build my first city.

Richard, unsurprisingly, took the longest street:

So at this stage in the game, each of us had six points exactly. We were both rather struggling to get clay or wheat, having instead rather an excess of wood (both of us), sheep (Richard) and ore (me).

Richard built on a 3:1 harbour next, which helped with trading, and extended his long street to join up various sections and ensure that I didn't overtake him. However, his problem was that he simply wasn't picking up any ore. Now he had played all five settlements, he had to start a city. He had bought a couple of development cards early in the game, both of which were knights; so he played them on my ore hexes simply so as to enable him to pick up ore from the bank!

Finally he did manage his first city, and soon after built another settlement:

So now he had seven points on the board, plus the longest street, giving him nine. I was managing to build cities almost every turn, so had ten points on the board - but as Richard had also played two knights (and the only card I had bought proved to be a monopoly, which is not all that useful in two-player Catan) he was evidently going for the largest army as well...

... and, indeed, he took it:

I had finished all the possible buildings, giving me 13 points. We play to 16 when there are just two of us, so all I could do was to buy cards and hope for some victory points. In the meantime, Richard could gradually progress with his buildings and reach 16 first. I did have both the wood harbour and the wheat harbour, which were extremely useful since I continued picking up vast quantities of wood on almost every roll of the dice.

Then I suddenly realised that although I had little hope of building a larger army, I could in fact overtake his longest street. I didn't want to make it too obvious what I was planning, so as I couldn't immediately build the streets (wood suddenly became scarce, temporarily), I bought three cards. To my surprise, two of them were victory points... so I had 15 points rather than 13.

On my following round, I picked up sufficient wood to buy two streets... so I won the game with 17 points.

Richard also had a victory point card, but his total was only 10. I was surprised that he was so far behind, since we'd been so close throughout the game... then we remembered that when I took the longest street card from him, I effectively leapt ahead by four points since I gained two and he also lost two. Ignoring the victory points, I'd had 13 and he'd had 11 a moment earlier...

Sunday 19 September 2010

Settlers of Catan for four

Another Thursday evening. Another game with the four of us. Sheila brown, Jörn blue, Richard red, me orange.

It wasn't a particularly inspiring layout for the board. It looked as though there was going to be an over-abundance of wood, a fair amount of sheep, and not a whole lot of anything else. Nor where there any obviously brilliant starting spots.

Sheila went first and took the 3-6-9 with ore, sheep and clay. It's where I'd have gone in first place, too. Probably the best place for numbers, certainly the best spot for clay which was likely to be the scarcest resource of all.

Jörn went second, and took the 4-8-10, with wheat, with wheat, wood and sheep. Equally good numbers, technically, but no clay or ore. I was third. Already there were no attractive spaces to take, so I followed the strategy of taking the best possible ore spot, which was on a 5. It bordered a 6-wood which I hoped would be useful, and also an 11-wheat, which was less likely to be of value.

Richard was last; quite a useful situation for this unhelpful board. He was able to get access to all five resources, and five different numbers: 3, 4 (twice), 8, 9 and 11. I now needed clay and sheep, but the only place to get both was on the coast, with a 2 on the clay, which didn't seem very useful. So, as I usually sacrifice sheep (so to speak!) if one resource must go, I looked at the options for clay. There was really only one possibility: the final place on the 9-clay hex, which bordered a 10-wheat that I hoped would be useful, and also the 2-clay. So that's what I took.

Jörn needed clay and ore, so he took a reasonable spot which gave him both, even though the clay was on an 11; it also gave him an 8 on wood... and made it unlikely that Richard would be able to take the nearby 3:1 harbour.

I then took a photo, not realising that Sheila hadn't placed her second settlement. She suggested I post it anyway, and ask readers where they might have placed the second brown settlement...

Sheila pondered two or three options. She needed both wheat and wood, but couldn't possibly take both. She had considered one of the 8-wood hexes, but one possible spot bordered only the desert, and the other bordered only the 3-ore hex which she had access to already; she was tempted by it, since it would have given her an instant 3:1 harbour, but it looked as if she might have been boxed in rather rapidly, with very few - if any - building spots.

So, as wood was evidently going to be plentiful, Sheila opted for the 3-10-11 intersection which gave her two wheat hexes, and five different numbers altogether.

Play started quite slowly, except that 11s were rolled more often than would be expected, and 10s not at all in the first few rounds. Jörn and Richard were both easily able to build streets, and I went as rapidly as I could to the intersection with two wheat hexes which would give me a five. Richard built in the spot where Sheila had hoped to go, which meant that her building spots were rather limited anyway, and he was first to gain the longest street card, but Jörn soon extended his street further and took it away.

So Jörn had five points, as did I; Richard had four, and Sheila had three.

With my extra wheat and reasonable ore (5s were rolled pretty much as expected statistically), I was fairly quickly able to build another city. I did have to give up cards to the robber more than once; but I found myself with wood and sheep all too often, and nothing I could do with them. It then occurred to me that I should probably take the wood harbour; I hadn't thought of it as a useful building spot, since I already had two settlements on the 2-clay hex, and one on the 5-wheat. But with the amount of wood I was collecting, it was definitely worthwhile.

So I took it - just before Richard planned to. He kept extending his street in the hope of taking back the longest street card. He did for a few rounds, but then Jörn took it back again, and we realised that he was now unbeatable as far as that went.

I then built another city, made almost entirely of 2:1 traded wood.

So Jörn had eight points at this stage, and I had nine. We each had one remaining building spot, although my last one was also Sheila's last one, and she was struggling to do anything so I didn't plan to take it, even though she urged me to! I had already played two knights - being in the lead, I was frequently the target of the robber - and needed only one more to gain the largest army. I also knew I could fairly easily build one more city, so I didn't actually need another settlement.

And that's what happened. If Jörn had had a hidden victory point card, he would have won, but he didn't. So when my turn came around, I built my last city, and played my third knight:

Monday 13 September 2010

Seafarers of Catan (Fog Island scenario) for four

Jacob was out sailing with Richard and Mick. Marie wanted to play Seafarers... so we set up a four-person game. We played with our usual colours: brown for Sheila, blue for Jörn, white for Marie and orange for me. We decided on our favourite 'Fog Island' scenario, which is enjoyable to play but rather time-consuming to set up as it requires pieces from both the regular Settlers and the Seafarers boxes. There are hexes and numbers that show, and piles of them to be 'discovered' by building ships.

We opted for random placement of hexes in the main Catan island, but put the numbers according to the booklet.

There's never much room to set up initial settlements in this scenario; I always hope to sail out to discover further resource hexes. So I opted for the best numbers I could, in the circumstances. The only resources I started with were ore, wheat and clay.. which, I realised later, was a bit foolish in this game since it's wood and sheep that are needed to build ships!

Sheila was lacking clay, Marie was lacking ore, and Jörn was the only person with all five resources at the beginning. Marie was the only one of us who began with a ship rather than a street, and was thus in the best position to begin exploring first.

.. and, indeed, that's what happened. Sheila (lacking clay) and I (lacking wood) both managed a city before anything else. Jörn built a street and a settlement.. and Marie built ships, sailed away from Catan, and discovered a very useful 6-sheep hex:

I managed another city, then by dint of some trading was able, at last, to build a new settlement. Sheila started sailing out from Catan, and discovered a wood and a sheep hex. Exactly what I would have liked... but with neither wood nor sheep easily available to me, I didn't have much hope of building any ships. Nor, I realised, did I have anywhere to go since my coastal settlement was in between Marie's and Sheila's shipping lines... I would have to concentrate on building on Catan.

Marie was first to gain the longest street (or shipping route) card:

However, Sheila was just in the lead with six points. All the rest of us now had five.

That 'longest street' card changed hands several times in the game. However, Marie was also first to gain the largest army - she kept buying cards, and kept getting knights - and nobody got anywhere near challenging her on that.

At this stage, when Marie held the largest army and longest street card, she had seven points. So she was just in the lead: the rest of us each had six. It was a pretty even game, point-wise.

The longest route card went to Sheila, and then back to Marie, who was determined to keep it. The problem was that she used her resources on ships, and so didn't take the opportunity to build any settlements. I had eight points on the board - still just on the main Catan island - and Jörn had seven. Sheila also had eight points, including settlements on her discovered hexes. We also noticed that Jörn was gradually extending his streets, and might soon be able to take the longest street card himself...

However, it was Sheila who eventually took and kept the card. She had nine points on the board in buildings... and when her turn came around, she was able to build another settlement, and thus won the game with twelve points:

I was quite pleased to have eleven, since I hadn't built a single ship.

Settlers of Catan for five (with Mick)

Having introduced our friend Mick to Settlers of Catan, and found him rather proficient, it seemed like a good idea to play a five-person game with Jörn and Sheila a couple of evenings later.

Since Mick had only placed once, it seemed better to use our set, even though we were at our friends' house, so that he didn't have to try and understand a different set of graphics - not to mention German text on the development cards. Mick was happy to play with the green pieces again, and the rest of us took our usual colours: brown for Sheila, blue for Jörn, red for Richard, and orange for me.

Richard rolled to go first, and with plenty of nice spots to choose from, opted for the 5-6-9 intersection on ore, sheep and wheat. I was second, and since I like to have good ore I took the 4-8-9 with clay, ore and sheep. I would have done slightly better, I realised immediately, to have taken the 5-6-9 which Jörn then claimed, with exactly the same resources and slightly better numbers. Sheila went next, and took yet another good spot: 4-6-9 on sheep, clay and wheat. Then it was Mick's turn to play last and first, placing two settlements together. He chose the 4-5 coastal intersection on ore and wood himself, and we advised on various other options; he decided on the 5-8-10 with the other three resources he needed. He had good numbers, but only four different ones.

On the way back, there were still some reasonable spots to take. Sheila needed wood and ore, and found a good intersection providing both, and giving her six good numbers. Jörn and I both needed wheat and wood; so, unsurprisingly, he took the one good spot with both available. I then decided that wheat was more important than wood, so took a spot with two wheat and an ore, giving me six different numbers (one of them being a 12, so not very useful). Richard, in final place, needed wood and clay, and was able to get rather a nice spot with both, giving him also six numbers, including a 12.

So I was the only player who did not have immediate access to all five resources at the start of the game. And wood was in rather short supply, so I was unable to trade for it. Jörn, Sheila and Richard each managed a street and a settlement each in the first few rounds... and I built two cities.

So, technically, I was in the lead with four points. However, without being able to build streets, I was now rather stuck. And, indeed, it took me quite some time before I managed to build even one new street. In the meantime, everyone else had done significant amounts of expanding:

So Jörn and Richard each had five points by this stage, while the rest of us each had four. And I could see that I was going to get boxed in before long, if I didn't start expanding.

Richard was first to take the longest street card. Then, in a move I haven't seen before, Sheila - who wanted a 9-10 double wheat intersection - built in the middle of his street, thus breaking it into two sections, and meaning that nobody held a five-section street any more so it had to be returned to the bank:

Richard had been in the lead with nine points, but was now back to seven. Jörn also had seven. Sheila had six, I had six, and Mick had four.

I managed to build another city, and another settlement. My final possible building spot was on the desert, so I did build one street towards it. But realised that I would do better to buy cards at this stage; I had played a couple of knights, so when I managed my third I did gain the largest army, and another two points. I had a hidden victory point card too, and when my turn came around I bought another card. Had it been a victory point, I would have won... but it wasn't.

So Jörn, who by this stage had ten points on the board, and the longest street card, was the winner with twelve points.

Mick still had only four on the board, but he had a couple of victory point cards, so his total was six, putting him just one point behind Sheila.

Saturday 11 September 2010

Three-person Settlers game with Mick

Our friend Mick had come to stay. He spotted our Catan boxes, and enquired what they were. So, naturally, we offered to teach him to play Settlers...

He rolled to place first, so we suggested a few possible spots after explaining the rules as well as we could. It's a surprisingly complicated game for someone who has no idea what they're doing, so he took our advice about placing his settlements on trust. Mick took the green pieces, while Richard had his usual red and I had my usual orange.

We all managed access to all five resources, at least in theory; and realised that our placements had worked quite neatly, giving us more possible building spots than average. With only three players there is usually plenty of space anyway.

Mick picked up the principles of the game rapidly and started heading inland. It wasn't long before each of us had built one more settlement, so we each had three points:

When the robber started to come into play, Richard and I put it on each other's hexes, not wanting to discourage someone who was brand new to the game. But it wasn't long before Mick went into the lead, with the longest street:

We were still explaining why we did some of the things we did, and occasionally had to recap on various rules... but Mick clearly had Catan strategy in his mind already, and made his own decisions notwithstanding listening to our suggestions. We soon found ourselves able to build cities, and expanded a bit further into useful spots:

So Mick was still in the lead with eight points (including the longest street), I had seven, and Richard had six. And we started playing the robber on places where Mick also had settlements or cities, and sometimes taking cards from him.

He was a bit unfortunate in losing cards to the robber more than once - we didn't always remind him of the strategy of offering to trade an extra card away when having eight in one's hand; he managed to roll a 7 when in the possession of eight or more cards at least twice during the game.

Mick had bought three development cards, and we knew that they were all knights. He played one to move the robber, and I suggested he play a second on his next turn, in hope of gaining the largest army card.

Had I been competing with experienced players, I would have attempted to join up my two segments of street by this stage, and so taken the longest street card for myself. I didn't do so... but by this stage in the game, that's the only concession I was making to Mick being a totally new and inexperienced player. Had he been more experienced, he would probably have extended his more rapidly to ensure that I didn't manage to take the card, anyway.

So Mick and I each had nine points at this stage, and Richard had six. There were still plenty of building spots available to both Richard and me, although Mick had only one remaining.

I built another settlement, and a city. Richard built a couple of streets in the vain hope of taking the longest street... so Mick joined up his segments, ensuring he kept it. I upgraded another city and built another settlement. Mick built a city.

I had eleven points, and was technically in the lead. Mick had ten... and had played two knights. I reminded him that all he had to do was to turn over his third knight, and he would have won.

He decided he would prefer to keep playing for another round or so.

When his turn came round again, he had a huge handful of cards. Luckily he didn't roll a seven... and was able to build another city AND place his last settlement. That gave him ten points in buildings, plus the longest street, so he had twelve points anyway. Then he turned over his third knight, giving him the largest army...

So Mick was resoundingly the winner, with fourteen points!

Here he is, a little surprised to have won...

Four-person Settlers of Catan game in the evening

Looking back at the scoring lists we keep, I was a little surprised to discover that the last time Richard and I played a four-person Settlers game with just Jörn and Sheila was back in May. We've loved having so many other people to play Catan games with, of course, but sometimes it's good to have just the four of us who played so many games together last year.

We set the board up outside, for the first time this year. And, since I'm writing this four days after the game happened, I've forgotten who started. I think it may have been Jörn (with blue pieces, as usual). If so, then he opted for the six-wheat hex as one of his starting ones since wheat looked as if it might be in short supply. if he was first, Sheila was second (brown), and took one of the 8-4-3 intersections which I had been looking at. I (orange) then took the other. Richard, who (I think) was last (red) began with good numbers (5, 9, 10) - the best selection of numbers available - on wood and two clay.

It was quite a nice board, and we all managed to begin the game with a reasonable selection of resources and numbers. Richard lacked wheat by the end, while Sheila and I each had only 11 on wheat. But nobody was obviously in a much better position than anyone else:

The first few moves were fairly predictable, and also reasonably amicable. Jörn and Richard both headed towards the coast, and the relevant harbours. Richard did build an extra street to protect the wood harbour from Sheila; so she went the other way towards a 3:1. I decided to head for an inland spot first; not particularly useful in theory (3 on sheep, 11 on wheat, and the desert...) but I could see that inland spots were going to be at a premium, due to the layout of our initial settlements. I did have a faint hope that I might be able to build out quickly towards the 5-wheat/10-ore hex, but suspected that Jörn would get there first...

...which, indeed, he did. Sheila headed to the other side of that nice 5-wheat hex, so I concentrated my building around the coast near the 8-ore hex I'd taken at the start. Richard hoped to get there too, and we did compete for the spot which eventually I took - but since he'd built an extra street it was still possible for him to get a spot around the edge of that 8-ore hex.

Oddly enough, 11 was rolled rather often in this game, so it wasn't long before I was able to build my first city.

So Sheila and I each had five points, Richard had four, and Jörn had three.

I decided, next, to head towards the coast at the bottom of the board in the hope of being able to get a 9 hex. Sheila, meanwhile, gained the longest street card. Richard and Sheila each built a city, but Jörn was having a hard time getting the resources he needed, and was still stuck on three points:

So Sheila was well in the lead with eight, while Richard and I each had six.

Building spots were fast becoming scarce, but Jörn had good supplies of both ore and wheat, so was able to build some cities - and as he did so, naturally gained more frequent resources which he could trade as needed. In quite a short space of time he went from three to eight points. I managed to get my coastal hex including the 9-clay, and Richard took the sheep harbour, which I did also consider. It could have been decidedly useful. Sheila extended her longest street to ensure that nobody else could take it - not that there were really any possible contenders by this stage.

Sheila and I had each played two knight cards, but she was first to play a third and thus gain the largest army:

So she now had ten points. Jörn had jumped to second place with eight, while Richard and I each had seven.

We now concentrated on building cities and buying development cards, while hoping not to be caught by the robber with more than seven resource cards. We reached the stage where Sheila had eleven points and I had nine... and then I played a fourth knight, and took the 'largest army' card from her. So now I had eleven, and she had nine.

I had one more city to build, and although nobody would trade with me, I managed it anyway and thus scraped another win:

But it was all very close. Richard and Sheila each had ten points, and Jörn had nine.

Catan: Explorers and Pirates (first game, scenario 1)

Our usual default Catan game is Cities and Knights. It was quite a steep learning curve before we could relax into it, but now we can chat ...